Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 3rd Week Part A

April 15 - Spring

We started our morning by learning the song In Celebration of Spring. We had a short discussion about the signs of spring that were mentioned in the song; flowers, budding trees, and chirping birds. With the upcoming Easter holiday the students were a bit wired and they had lots of energy. We took turns using the stretchy bands to create a shape and then the rest of us would identify the shape and copy it. It was funny to watch the students create a less than perfect or even recognizable shape and then to watch/listen to the other students try to identify it and mimic it.

Getting back on track we learned about the "at" family. We had pictures of different words in the "at" family that were placed on the right side of the "at" card on the word strip holder.

The students were given a card with a letter on it, the students chose a letter card, the said the sound of the letter, and then they were to put the letter in front of the "at" card to make the word to match the picture.

For snack we made butterflies. I made peanut butter play dough (recipe can be found in a previous post) for the body, graham cracker for the wings, and M & M's for the colors on the wings and eyes. We completed the snack with yogurt and apple juice.

After snack time we were getting ready to go outside. This is a picture of one student doing her best to help the other student tie his shoe. I was so impressed with her willingness to help even though she doesn't know how to tie shoes herself.

After playing outside we came in to play the Daffodil game. I remembered seeing this somewhere but I can't find it anywhere. Each student is given a flower base with six petals and a cup in the middle with jelly beans in it. Each petal has a number on it, 1 through 6. The student would roll a die and then place the corresponding number of jelly beans on the correct numbered petal. If the student rolled a 2 they would put two jelly beans on the number 2 petal; then, when they rolled another two they couldn't use it so they just roll again. The first student with all petals full would be the winner.

We then did some work stations. The stations were: working on numbers (fill in the missing number), writing spring words, and lacing cards.

Homework was to take a walk with parents and look for signs of spring in their neighborhood.

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