Friday, February 14, 2014

February Week 2 Part B

February 13 - Valentines Day
Today was a different day, because I had only one student. As soon as she arrived she was talking about "Valentimes Day." Her enthusiasm level was very high. During our morning meeting we talked about the history of Valentines Day. She was really sad that the priest was killed because he wanted to marry people. We talked about some of the more fun traditions and she was became excited about cupid, because she has a certain someone that she wants to marry when they "get bigger." She giggled as we talked about the possibility of cupid having shot her and her boyfriend in the heart so they can be in love.

Her first word with the letter tiles (found at was of course "Cupid." She did do all the other words but liked cupid the best.

For math we did a sweet estimation activity (again found at 2 teaching mommies, link above). She looked at the picture of a jar that we were going to cover with Sweet Heart candy and estimated how many it would take to cover the jar. We are focusing on a two dimensional model to better understand the concept, before we move onto a real three dimensional model.

   She wrote her estimation in her Math Journal, put a sticker on her estimated number on the 100 chart, and then had fun covering the jar with candy hearts. After covering the jar, we again used the 100 chart to help us count the hearts.

She took each heart off the jar and placed it on the 100 chart (found at 2 Teaching Mommies link above). She was a little sad when she had reached her estimation and still had more hearts to count. Once all the hearts were on the 100 chart, we counted the hearts (I helped her when she got stuck on the new group of tens).

Then she used the 100 chart to help her write the actual number in her journal.

Since the journal will be hers when preschool is over, she used some heart stickers to put on her journal jar as a reminder of the activity.

 We did a new kind of math and critical thinking, she used a Sweetheart maze (found at 2 Teaching Mommies link above) to help the candy get back into its box.

This was the first time we have done a maze and she was a bit sad when she took a wrong turn and had to backtrack but we talked about how we all make mistakes and need to do things over or backtrack. It is all a part of life and how we get smarter.

On to more math, this time working in our Math Journals we did a Predict and Analyze activity (found at 2 Teaching Mommies, link above). First she had to predict which candy heart we would roll the most and which color we would roll the least. I cut the page in half (mostly to make it fit better into the journal) and put the actual graph on one page and the Predict and Analyze part on another page. I like it because she were not able to see her predictions as she was filling out the graph and she was not trying to make her predictions come true.

After 10 rolls of the die, we collected our data and recorded it in the Analyze section. She was delighted that she got co circle 'yes' to the question if she had any two that had been rolled the same number of times.It is as if marking yes and/or a happy face means that it was done correctly, and marking no or a sad face means it was done incorrectly. Will have to address that in a future lesson.

Finally it was time for snack. As the student set the table I quickly made a peanut butter and honey sandwich. She used the sandwich and a heart shaped cookie cutter to cut out 4 hearts, for the butterfly's wings. We used a carrot stick for the body, carrot shreds for the antennas, and M&Ms for the eyes. She had chosen the M&M plates for snack and coincidentally placed her butterfly perfectly so that they eyes on the plate could also serve as the eyes on her butterfly (her M&M eyes are blue too and barely visible). We washed down our butterfly with orange juice.

As a service to our families we rolled up our sleeves to make sugar cookies as a Valentines Day surprise. (I'm the lazy one that used red sugar to decorate the cookies.)

My student was so excited to roll out the dough, cut out a shape, brush it with milk, and then add sprinkles to decorate the cookies. We used one of the small heart shaped cookie cutter as a template/stencil for the sprinkles.

After we cleaned up the cookie mess (which was significant) we straightway went to work on our gifts. We made Valentines Bling Rings (found at for the females in our families and

Super Hero Valentines Pops (idea came from ours were not from the template but hand written and drawn) for the male family members.

We finished all our work before mom arrived, so she worked on filling in the blank number on the "Waddle All the Way" penguin cards from

Homework was very simple this weekend. The students were to complete the instructions for a special Valentines 100 chart and Sweetheart graphing (both from 2Teaching Mommies, link above). They also took home another Book Buddy Bag with books and activities to do with their families.

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